Java is also continuously evolving and it has been fifteen fruitful years that we have seen the Java programming language progressing and advancing at an unprecedented speed and has become one of the most popular programming languages. In research by Statista, it has been proved that Java ranks among the top 5 programming languages and has been helping enterprises to accomplish their business goals. As equally, there are many companies looking to hire Java developers, on the other side, there are many java developers already grooming themselves with the latest technology skills. On the other hand, a leading java development company like TatvaSoft excels in developing cutting-edge Java applications.

In our new blog post, we’ll make you go through the top 9 java skills that every Java developer must have for fulfilling your business needs.  

1. Top Java Developer’s Skills!

The potential of Java has been the talk of many companies. The fact, that Java has been in use in almost every company, whether they be small companies or big tech giant companies like Google, Amazon, etc. On the other hand, there are many other companies that are looking to hire a Java developer for their business. But since not many know how to hire. Java Developer Skills can be divided into two categories i.e technical and soft skills. Let us start with the must-have basic skills of a Java developer.

java developer skills

1.1 Core Java Skills

The basic needs of Java mean the basic understanding of how Java works. Core Java Skills are the building blocks of every successful Java developer. What are the frameworks involved and what type of tools are used and finally what exactly does a Java programmer do? It may quite interest you to know that any business can leverage the benefits of outsourcing Java services. All they require to do is choose the right team of Java developers with efficient java skills. 

Java is a versatile, resilient, and all-rounding development language that helps to create a wide range of software, including desktop, dynamic web content and web applications, cloud services, and mobile apps. Along with Python, Java’s capabilities extend to Big Data Applications.

Consider the following Java technologies if you wish to excel as a Java developer:

  • Java is an Object-Oriented Programming language, it follows object-oriented programming (OOP) principles and uses Object Oriented Methodology which makes it easier to maintain and debug java code.
  • MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MariaDB are relational databases. Writing using MySQL queries.
  • Git and BitBucket are two popular version control systems.
  • Using IntelliJ IDEA as an integrated development environment (IDE).
  • HTML, CSS, and JQuery are examples of web frontend technologies for designing web pages.

1.2 Java Build Language, Tools, and Frameworks

When you are completely drowning in Java, there are a few things that your developers must know about Java. In Java there is Java SE and Java EE (i.e advanced java), these are the two types of framework where your java developer needs to have expertise. Also, there are other tools such as Servlets, Java Beans(EJB), Java Server Pages(JSP), and technology frameworks that are making a difference. Like Spring frameworks such as Spring Boot, Spring MVC, and Spring Cloud for developing web applications. And there is Hibernate framework too which is another popular framework used for projects that also help you establish popular domain java frameworks. Other than these frameworks, tour businesses should also understand about:

  • JavaServer pages (JSP) and servlets.
  • Web frameworks (e.g., Struts and Spring)
  • Service-oriented architecture/web services (SOAP/REST)
  • Web technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JQuery.
  • Markup languages like XML and JSON.
  • Object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts and design patterns.
  • Java Web Frameworks like SpringMVC, Play, Java Server Faces
  • Java Build Tools like Maven and Gradle.
  • Java EE Components like Servlets, Java Beans(EJB), and JavaServer Pages APIs provide methods for logging through the use of cookies on a user’s browser
  • Java Testing Tools like JUnit, TestNG, and Selenium allow you to test your JSP pages and Web Application
  • Java Application Containers like JBoss, Jetty, WebSphere, WebLogic

With all the basic understanding and features, we now know what Java- as a popular programming language is capable to offer. It is ideally fit for all types of development platforms. Enterprise can also use it for cross-platform app development and customized enterprise solutions. In the next section, we will see what version control is with Java.

Java - The ideal choice for developing Enterprise solutions

1.3 Version Control

Although you might have developed something fantastic, but wouldn’t suffice for current market trends then the agenda of development is failed. Having code version control as an ability would allow you to keep track of and control any modifications to your source code, ensuring that the original code is not harmed. Also, in the process of developing if something went wrong along the way and you had to start again.

The version control here is important for a Java developer to be aware of all technology changes occurring in each technology and check what makes a difference and how. As each version would demand to enhance its basic Java skills and knowledge to imply it in the current web or mobile application.

1.4 Android + Kotlin

Often when you develop applications for the Android or iOS platform, It is equally essential for skilled Java developers to have the skills required for the app development process. The required skills will help web and software developers in the web development and software development process and help deploy web applications successfully on the world wide web. And in favor, it will help developers to create smartphone applications. Knowing how to build Android apps in Kotlin would make you stand out from the crowd.

In reality, the Android platform is gradually migrating to Kotlin, a modified Java language. Hence a good Java developer must have expertise in both Android and Kotlin to understand the engineering of the developing application.

1.5 Unit Testing

This is an area where there is a lot to learn. If you devote some time to improving your unit testing skills, then not only will your coding skills improve, but you will also become a more professional software developer, which is something that every employer seeks.

Unit testing has numerous Mockito and PowerMock for mocking objects, Robot Framework and Cucumber for automated integration tests, and of course, the new and dazzling JUnit 5 library are just a few of the new frameworks and unit testing tools available for Java programmers to unit test and integration test their applications.

1.6 Spring Frameworks

Spring Framework is one of the popular names in Java development technology. There are researchers who say that more than 2000 websites are built using the Spring framework. You basically generate objects of the classes, call the methods, and get the desired result when you use a library.

Spring makes an effort to avoid close connectivity (when classes explicitly focus on other classes and interfaces in the framework) by relying on annotations. It is currently built on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which divides processes, sectors, and representations. Spring is popular among developers because of its excellent object injection capability, elegant syntax, accessibility, automation testing tools such as Junit 5, and low entry barrier that works well for new developers of Java.

1.7 React or Angular

As a Java developer, there can be diversified needs and businesses have to fulfill those. React and Angular development technology is one such type of need that makes your Java-developed application better. These two Javascript frameworks have completely changed the face of technology. They have brought into effect newer ways in 2021 and will definitely enhance Java development and command as a programming language.

1.8 DevOps Technology

As more companies move toward DevOps and implement continuous integration and deployment, this is one area where there is a lot of traction. DevOps is large, and you’ll need to master a lot of tools and techniques, which can be overwhelming for some engineers. Here are some of the reasons together with DevOps.

Continuous integration (CI), continuous deployment (CD), and Jenkins’ position in all phases are all important concepts for a competent java developer to understand. You can use it to learn and master DevOps on your own time. There are experienced and successful Java developers who understand the technology in depth simultaneously and imply it within their business. Development and operations go hand in hand in DevOps. It will automate the overall process, and structure and you can become a DevOps engineer. Let’s explore some of the DevOps tools that a java developer requires!

1) QuerySurge: QuerySurge is the intelligent data testing solution that is one of the first inventions and a full DevOps solution for constant data testing.

Essential Features

  • Robust Web APIs with over 60 calls
  • Completely combines into the DevOps pipeline for constant testing
  • Documents large volumes of data quickly

2) Basis Technologies: Basis Technologies gives the only DevOps and test automation program engineered especially for SAP.

Essential features:

  • Automate 90% of the hand-operated effort
  • Single BackOut use rolls back deployments
  • A completely customizable approval method

3) Katalon TestOps: Katalon TestOps is a strong orchestration program that services DevOps conversation and collaboration flow.

Essential Features:

  • Design efficiently with Smart Scheduling
  • The modernized result set across any framework
  • Real-time data tracking
  • Customizable warnings

4) Embold: Retaliating bugs before deployment preserves a lot of time and power for further procedures.

Essential Features:

  • Amazing anti-pattern detection
  • Unite completely with Github, Bitbucket, and Azure
  • Get more profound and durable

1.9 Microservices

Microservices is a new addition to this list. It is a RESTful web server extension, this is integrated into the application with the goal of breaking up your code into a lightweight, dispersed, and autonomous application. This allows easier creation, deployment, and management of new features with security.

With its emphasis on elastic scaling and on-demand infrastructure, the Microservices model is perfect for the public cloud. It does, however, necessitate careful planning and extensive preparation. The spring-based tools support the job of microservices by enabling simpler extraction from cloud-based applications. The features get more enhanced and improved.

2. How to Become a Java Developer?

How to Become a Java Developer?

A Java Developer is a Software Developer who possesses expertise in the configuration, trial, and implementation of software utilizing the Java programming language.

Though the name is alike, Java should never be mixed with JavaScript, a precisely distinct object-oriented programming language. Java is practiced in most companies, from small companies to big tech companies such as Google, Amazon, etc.

So, being a Java Developer in today’s digital era can heighten your career very thoroughly! And that is why here we have pointed out some of the essential points to becoming a successful Java Developer. But the first step demands the successful completion of a Computer Science qualification.

2.1 Learn the Core Java SE

Begin with Core Java(Java SE) and comprehend it thoroughly. You need to acknowledge and learn basic theories such as loops, arrays, operators, and others.

Moreover, Java SE has a variety of general-purpose APIs such as java.lang,, java.math, etc. and you need to have theoretical information about them at least. You should also commence studying OOP’s notions as they are famous in Java.

2.2 Keep Practising Java

Whatever you study in Core Java, just keep studying it so you can formulate the configurations without any primary mistakes.

Moreover, it is simple to implement a solution to a difficulty in theory but the difficulty lies in effectively completing the strategy as you will learn the language barriers and best design systems.

So grasp coding and practice  Java and also attempt to perform mini-plans at whatever point you learn.

2.3 Study Java EE

One can begin studying Java EE(Enterprise Edition) which is also recognized as Advanced Java after completing core Java. When you commence studying Java EE components developers can manage web development as Java EE has stipulations for extra features like dispersed computing and web services.

This involves technologies such as Servlet, WebSocket, Java Server Faces, etc. concerning web terms.

2.4 Create Projects With Servlets and JSP

Whatever you see in Java EE just mix it with Front End technologies like HTML, CSS, and Javascript, and work to perform mini projects on particular topics as it will clear your mind.

Moreover, you must make at least two designs, first starting with Servlet and then following with JSP. This is because without performing projects on these you will never be more certain about how much you understand this programming language.

2.5 Study Hibernate and Spring Frameworks

When you finish both Java SE and Java EE then you should study Java Web Frameworks which add the Hibernate Framework and Spring Framework. These are the most general frameworks of Java.

Most Java Development Companies these ages practice Spring frameworks like Spring Boot, Spring MVC, and Spring Cloud for producing web applications, etc.

Hibernate framework is also very common for planning a domain object-oriented design to a relational database and the Hibernate Query Language.

3. Is Outsourcing a Good Option or Utilize In-House Java Developer Skills?

whom should you hire?

Ideally, if this shouldn’t be your question. Because there is hardly any company you don’t look to hire java developers. Java is a valuable skill to master, and the best thing is that the internet provides some of the best tools for learning Java, from the fundamentals to advanced programming. The learning from the Java development process will boost the overall performance of the application. We can address all the requirements and fulfill them with Java. These are some of the inevitable java skills that one must use when one wants to become a Java developer or your business needs to hire Java developers. Together we can build sturdy and high-quality Java apps that accelerate productivity and help businesses grow.

Itesh Sharma

Itesh Sharma is core member of Sales Department at TatvaSoft. He has got more than 6 years of experience in handling the task related to Customer Management and Project Management. Apart from his profession he also has keen interest in sharing the insight on different methodologies of software development.


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