Modern Angular development services have been a great catalyst in dynamic web development. However, it takes a lot of knowledge to ace your coding and designing game up. The tools are an integral part of development that saves any developer from a lot of manual work.

Therefore, in this post, we will highlight some of the most useful Angular development tools that can be used to build a web app using Angular in a way that is both efficient and effective.

1. Top 22 Angular Development Tools for Developers

1.1 Karma


Karma is an amazing JavaScript test framework. Before releasing a product, it must be thoroughly tested, and there is no better tool than Karma to facilitate this process. With Karma, you can see how your site looks and performs on actual browsers and mobile devices like phones and tablets.

It does tests in the browser and then provides its results in the command line interface (CLI) and also provides detailed feedback on how each test performed. You may take charge of a wide variety of tests, from end-to-end testing to integration testing to unit testing and beyond, with the help of the Karma angular testing tool.

Pricing: Open source


  • Superior testing capabilities across several browsers, including Chrome and Safari.
  • An open-source framework to create simple plugins.
  • You can enhance efficiency using the command line or an IDE.
  • Integration with Semaphore, Travis, and Jenkins becomes easy.
  • Tests in Karma are executed on a continuous integration server.
  • It is backed by Google.


  • For installation of Karma, you require Node.js.
  • The process of testing becomes slow.

1.2 Protractor


Protractor is an end-to-end test framework for Angularjs. As a result of its ability to function in actual browsers, Protractor also facilitates full-stack testing. This is a comprehensive test plan. This is a top-tier angular tool built on top of WebDriverJS. It simulates a real-world client’s interaction with the software by running tests in that environment. Protractor was created by Google.

The Angular team has created the best-automated testing solution. If you’re using Protractor, your tests will automatically update to match the current page. Angularjs, Node.js, Mocha, Jasmine, and Selenium are all supported by Protractor.

Pricing: Open source


  • Protractor supports parallel testing through various browsers.
  • You can easily install and set up Protractor.
  • It is handy for both Angular and non-Angular applications.
  • Allows you to test in real browsers.
  • It offers all the advantages of Selenium WebDriver.
  • It provides high speed and support data-driven test.


  • It doesn’t have much support on other browsers but it runs well in the Chrome browser.
  • You might see that certain project lack debugging features.
  • It only supports JavaScript.
  • You must have proper knowledge of Selenium while leveraging APIs and other technical.

1.3 Jasmine


Jasmine is an additional complete testing framework that we’ve included in this collection of AngularJS resources. Developers may now conduct their tests independently of browsers and other JavaScript testing environments, thanks to Jasmine’s standardized setup. Because of its basic design and straightforward syntax, Jasmine provides exceptional ease of use for developers while doing code tests. Jasmine is among the most important Angular development tools since it excels at analyzing Node.js code on webpages that enable JavaScript runtimes.

Price: Open source


  • Jasmine supports asynchronous testing.
  • It is a behavior-driven development framework.
  • It allows you to test front-end code using a front-end extension called Jasmine-jQuery.
  • Lower overhead and zero external dependencies.


  • You need plenty of configurations to use Jasmine.


This tool gives developers more options because it is not dependent on jQuery. The Angular Development Environment also works with the remark and macro widgets. Thus, may be used without any further configuration for any component, with content data sources of your choosing.

Price: Open Source


  • It encourages open conversations and discussions, all in one platform.
  • It brings intelligence to assessment.
  • This framework is easy to use and provides the best customer service.
  • Eliminate human error and bias.
  • Reduce drop-out rates.


  • It is difficult to understand and work with.
  • It is not easy to track a comment until someone tags you in their response.

1.5 Mocha.js


Mocha.js is a solid reason why  automated testing frameworks take up a sizable chunk of the recommended reading. Because what is good in Angular JS code if the result is faulty? Mocha.js is a strong testing framework that allows for asynchronous testing, which greatly improves the likelihood of bug-free development. In addition to the obvious development freedom it provides, this feature also has other advantages. Furthermore it improves Angular JS development project’s mapping precision and reporting regularity.

Price: Open Source


  • Mocha is highly-flexible and it doesn’t come with assertion library.
  • It is great for asynchronous testing.
  • It is compatible with almost all browsers.
  • Mocha provides a JavaScript API when it comes to testing.
  • It is highly suitable for test-driven development.


  • You cannot conduct random tests using Mocha.
  • It requires more configuration which makes it weaker.
  • You need mocking tools and assertion libraries.
  • If you’re a beginner, then you should avoid using Mocha as it requires in-depth knowledge.

1.6 Angular Kickstart

Today’s fast-paced society expects immediate solutions to problems, and Angular Kickstart is the perfect tool for the job. By combining Gulp JS, Bower, and AngularJS, Angular Kickstart may help you expedite your development process and get your Angular project up and running faster. The versatile nature of Angular not only speeds up development but also caches code to make it accessible, which further simplifies the process.

Price: Open source


  • It provides excellent speed and performance.
  • Applications are highly qualitative.
  • Developers can move quickly with the development process.
  • Build amazing single-page applications.


  • It has limited SEO choices.
  • Difficult to understand and work with.
  • Low accessibility for search engineer crawlers.

1.7 Angular JS UI

The Angular JS UI is a library of UI widgets. Using these parts as building blocks, programmers may design a whole application with little effort. These user interface elements are the main draw for developers to use AngularJS. Angular JS UI is a top-tier AngularJS development tool that speeds up the process of making AngularJS apps.

Price: Open Source


  • It is an effective tool for cross-platform development.
  • The process of development is rapid.
  • Offers excellent material design library.
  • It has excellent problem solving patterns.


  • It is a heavily weighted framework.
  • This platform is verbose and complex.

1.8 Sublime Text

You’ll need a robust text editor to write and test the code for your application or website. Sublime Text is unparalleled among similar solutions. Sublime Text’s rapidity, performance outcomes, and user-friendly coding capabilities contributed to its widespread adoption.

One of its “click to reach” features “Goto Definition” provides the programmer with all the information they need by letting them hover over the sign and read its definition. By providing quick access to certain symbols, words, or phrases in the code, “Goto Anything” helps programmers save time. As a result of its Many Selections function, it is possible to make modifications to different lines or variables at once.

In one of the versions of Angular, Angular 13, CSS sorting allows programmers to arrange attributes in alphabetical order, hence facilitating the elimination of code mistakes and the swift switching between files.

Price: Price begins at $65 per seat per year.


  • It support numerous functionalities such as multiple selection, split editing, plugin API, and more.
  • It makes coding easier and fun.
  • Fast and efficient development tool to work with.
  • Works well with large datasets.
  • It is lightweight, intuitive and easily customizable.


  • It is not an open-source platform.

1.9 Videogular


Videogular is an HTML5 video player that can be used with Angular. To effectively integrate video functionality into an Angular project, developers may use Videogular.

With Videogular’s bindable characteristics and extensive API, programmers may make their own plugins. Videogular is a plugin for Angular that adds HTML5 video playback controls and a skinnable frontend so that your app’s video player may look exactly as you want it to.

Price: Open Source


  • It allows you to add videos and other multimedia elements to your application.
  • You can leverage their HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills.
  • It makes your application faster and provides a variety of UI components.


  • If you’re a beginner, avoid using Videogular as it is difficult to work with.
  • It requires in-depth knowledge.

1.10 Djangular


To put it simply, Djangular is an interactive Angular development tool that lets you build individual applications’ worth of content with the Angular framework. It’s an Angular integrated app that’s both flexible and reusable, providing superior app unification.

The DJangular is a component-based, flexible framework with support for name spaced Angular content.

Price: Open source


  • It provides more security with CSRF protection.
  • It is a highly customizable framework with all the required components.
  • An application that can be used multiple times.
  • It allows developers to easily create project-specific information.


  • Difficult to understand and work with.

1.11 WebStorm


Both the integrated development environment (IDE) and the text editor are top-notch for working with AngularJS. All the contemporary technology that comes after it will run smoothly on its well-oiled gears. Webstorm editors are the most popular among programmers. WebStorm is a wonderful Angular IDE for writing applications. JetBrains’s IDE WebStorm comes with a built-in Dart plugin.

One of the most intriguing features of WebStorm is the ability to display live code without requiring a page refresh or site visit. WebStorm is an Angular-friendly live-editing manager that works with CSS, JavaScript, and HTML. Before importing your project’s Angular data, this development tool will distribute the necessary module packages.

Price: $59 for individual packs in the first year, with reduced rates for future packs.


  • It offers amazing customization options to match your coding style.
  • Excellent support for many JavaScript languages, Node.Js, CSS, and HTML.
  • It provides great features like debugging, tracing, testing, and much more.
  • It has a default spell checker to avoid foolish errors that developers make while coding.


  • You cannot freely share it as it is not an open-source platform.
  • Addressing several initiatives in a single posture can be challenging.

1.12 Angular Deckgrid

Angular Deckgrid is a simple but powerful grid component for AngularJS. When the referenced directive is not reliant on its graphic depiction, the Angular Deckgrid excels. Deckgrid is a fundamental AngularJS-related innovation since it reads in and renders the project’s CSS files, which include the graphics.

Price: Open source


  • It is a light-weight and easy to use development tool.
  • Simplifies the development process.
  • It is a powerful directive based API.


  • It is verbose and complex.

1.13 AngularFire

AngularFire has a flexibleAPI, three-way data binding, and quick development tools, all of which make it simpler to create. As a result, building the underlying infrastructure of your Angular project is simplified.

The integrated real-time coupling and simple management of binary data files like photos, movies, and blobs make this a powerful backend Angular development tool.

Price: Open source


  • It provides real-time data synchronization.
  • For offline usage, data is automatically saved.
  • It manages binary data files like movies, photos, and blobs easily.
  • Its API is dynamic and flexible.


  • Ordinary documentation attributes.
  • Superior developer experienced is required.

1.14 Code Orchestra

An effective unique selling proposition (USP) for any program demands a user interface that is both powerful and easy to use. If you’re looking for a front-end development framework that allows for real-time coding style, go no further than Code Orchestra. This implies that if a developer makes a change to some portion of the code and then saves it, the changes are immediately incorporated into the program using a custom protocol used by Code Orchestra.

Price: Pricing starts from $20 per month


  • It is a holistic polyglot development platform highly used for multi-framework development.
  • It allows you to build your project using the language of your choice while having full debugging support.
  • For quick prototyping, it allows you to use Python.


  • Unmodifiable code.

1.15 NG-Inspector


The tool provides an inspector window in your web browser to aid with Angular JS application development, debugging, and comprehension. Controllers and directives are used to determine and present the extent of action. The NG-Inspector add-on for Safari and Chrome is an Angular development tool.

Knowing Angular JS will aid you in developing, researching, and using the apps you make. You can quickly identify each scope of a display by using Directives and Controllers. There’s a browser extension that can add an auditing sheet to make it easier to build, debug, and understand AngularJS apps.

Price: Open Source


  • NG-Inspector helps you to develop and understand your application.
  • It helps you to make better trading decisions.
  • It allows you to easily debug Angular applications.


  • It requires proper knowledge to work with.
  • It is verbose and complex.

1.16 Aptana Studio

Aptana Studio

Building websites and web apps is a pleasure with Aptana Studio, a powerful programming environment. Eclipse, and its IDE, are both adaptable and productive. Aptana Studio has top-notch Git connectors, which results in superior code management. HTML, CSS, PHP, Ruby, and JavaScript are all supported by this tool.

Aptana Studio provides a programming environment with command customization and an integrated debugger with straightforward debugging options and functionalities. The Tree-based code viewer included in Aptana Studio considerably reduces developer time and effort.

Price: Open source


  • It is a flexible and open-source web application IDE that allows you to build applications with ease.
  • It support the building, previewing, and debugging of websites.
  • Offers powerful features to tailor the studio according to user requirements.
  • Seamless collaboration.
  • It has a built-in terminal.


  • It is not light weight.
  • Installation size is little heavy.
  • You might stuck while running multi process programs.

1.17 Visual Studio

Visual Studio

One of the most popular Angular JS development tools is Visual Studio Code. In addition, it works flawlessly with every major OS and device out there. Visual Studio’s “savvy” editor offers one of the quickest Angular JS development tools out there.

Integral modules, metrics, and even procedures may all be automatically completed using IntelliSense in Visual Studio. Real-time visual representations of code changes are made possible by the intuitive Git user interface that comes preinstalled. On the other hand, its Peek feature lets programmers view the function’s entire definition in a pop-up window.

Price: Open source


  • You can easily edit, build, and debug your application using this platform.
  • Perform tool for day-to-day use.
  • It is highly customizable.
  • Visual Studio supports hundreds of languages.
  • It is light weight and provides cross-platform support.
  • You can be instantly productive with auto-indentation, syntax highlighting, bracket-matching, and more.


  • Not limited to a specific language.
  • It is not easy to manage plugins for various programming environments.

1.18 Angular IDE

Everyone from complete IDE novices to seasoned professionals uses Angular IDE. Angular IDE has several helpful features, including as syntax-aware source code management, auto-completion, and real-time error-detecting features. The HTML templates in Angular IDE are smart enough to auto-complete code, spot misdefined elements, and offer advanced formatting options.

Price: Its pricing ranges from $5/user per month and $48/user per year.


  • It makes the development process fast using auto-completion and delivers error-free projects.
  • Easy to use and simple to grasp even if you’re are beginner.
  • It offers sophisticated formatting options.
  • Developers can easily detect misdefined tags using HTML template intelligence.
  • For troubleshooting, you’ll have live chat support.


  • It is not freely available.

1.19 Restangular


Restangular is an app service that can execute simple operations like GET, POST, DELETE, and UPDATE. When building a web project, if you need to get data from RESTful APIs, Restangular is the way to go. It simplifies the process and improves the speed of your app.

Price: Open Source


  • Simple configuration.
  • It allows you to send more than one request in various ways.
  • Incredibly simple to use.
  • Support all HTTP methods.


  • It is a bit hard to test.

1.20 Jsfiddle

JSfiddle is a web-based code editor designed to make programming easier. On JSfiddle, programmers may simultaneously edit files in JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Angular. Since it is compact and loads quickly, JSfiddle might be considered as the greatest Angular JS editor available.

Price: Open Source


  • It allows you to edit, share, execute, and debug web code within a browser.
  • It is a simple tool to work with if you’re a beginner.
  • Users can write and run JavaScript directly in the preferred browser.


  • It adds the libraries inside the script which can be annoying.

1.21 Mean.js


Mean is the industry favourite tool that may be used on many different operating systems and mobile devices. Mean is among the most popular Angular JS build tools, and it is used by developers who are building MongoDB, Node.js, Express, and Angular JS apps. Mean contains a collection of preconfigured modules, such as Mongoose and Passport, among others, that are quite helpful in shortening the duration of the development cycle.

Price: Open Source


  • It allows you to create, modify, and debug test application programs easily.
  • Mean works well for dynamic websites and applications.


  • Requires proper knowledge to work with.

2. To Sum Up

The days of wishing you could create an Angular app with all the bells and whistles are over. The aforementioned must-have web developer tools for Angular JS make it possible to build an Angular app that precisely meets your company’s needs. The appropriate Angular JS development business is currently all that stands between you and the realization of your development ambitions.

Itesh Sharma

Itesh Sharma is core member of Sales Department at TatvaSoft. He has got more than 6 years of experience in handling the task related to Customer Management and Project Management. Apart from his profession he also has keen interest in sharing the insight on different methodologies of software development.


  • Leave a message...

    1. Ronald

      Great article! As an Angular developer, I'm always on the lookout for new tools that can enhance my workflow. This blog provided valuable insights into the latest Angular development tools and their features. Can't wait to try them out!

    2. Debbie

      I found this blog to be a valuable resource for Angular developers. The comprehensive list of Angular development tools, along with their descriptions and benefits, makes it easy to discover and adopt new tools for more efficient development. Thanks for sharing!

    3. Florina

      Your article on Angular development tools was a lot of fun to read. Karma has caught my attention in particular because I've been searching for a solid JavaScript testing framework. The fact that Karma can test Angular applications on actual browsers and mobile devices and that it offers thorough feedback on how each test performed are both appealing to me. I appreciate you sharing it.